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The biggest ever sustained increase in NHS spending and more nurses

More children in class sizes of under 30.

The lowest tax burden for a working family since 1972.

At least 1.5 million people gaining from the minimum wage.

A million more jobs, with the help of the New Deal.

Inflation at its lowest for 30 years.

New 10p rate of income tax and the basic rate of income tax reduced to 22p.

The biggest ever sustained increase in NHS spending and more nurses

More children in class sizes of under 30.

The lowest tax burden for a working family since 1972.

At least 1.5 million people gaining from the minimum wage.

A million more jobs, with the help of the New Deal.

Inflation at its lowest for 30 years.

New 10p rate of income tax and the basic rate of income tax reduced to 22p.

For further information please contact xyz@xyz.com